Alessio Fasano MD

Harvard Professor & Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition at MassGeneral Hospital 

"Refreshingly free of politics and polemics, Nicassio’s book strictly focuses on the food" 

The Secret Life of a Therapist

"Theresa represents love in action. Many talk the talk, but she’s the real deal—her recipes are full of her generosity and spirit as well as deliciousness!"

In Search Of Your Golden Buddha


Loving The Unlovable

"Dr. Theresa Nicassio[s]...psychological background brings a much-needed dimension to the discussion of special diets and the role that food plays in the total picture that makes up our health.”

Invitations: Reflections for Extraordinary Living

Award-Winning YUM: Plant-Based Recipes For A Gluten-Free Diet

"A thorough, informative cookbook for healthy meals; ideal for those with food restrictions." 

"Theresa Nicassio gives healthy eating the look and taste a gourmet cook would love."


YUM Mini

FAB After 50: Discover Your Sexiest YOU After Menopause

Watch for These Coming Titles...

By Theresa Nicassio PhD
Published by D&D Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9939156-0-4
Hardcover | $35.00 usd | 8½” × 11″
368 pages; colour illustrations throughout

​Kindle | $9.99 

Perhaps the first entirely plant-based book that focuses on bio-individuality and does not promote veganism or any other special diet, YUM: plant-based recipes for a gluten-free diet, is a breath of fresh air, with a comprehensive scope that extends far beyond the typical cookbook in any genre. 

Recipient of 13 prestigious awards and honors, YUM is a beautiful cookbook filled with delicious and easy recipes, embedded in an inspiring story of one woman's transcendent journey of overcoming the impossible, from despair to triumph. This book lifts the spirit as the author generously shares the multitude of gifts she learned that enabled her to transform her life, empowering her readers with tools to help them enjoy more vitality and joy their own lives as well.

YUM is a book for all ages and a must-have for those with special dietary needs due to food sensitivities, autoimmune challenges, heart disease, cancer, autism, ADD, or diabetes.... more...